Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Tugas Softskill Task

1. My brother Prefer to play badminton instead of football.
2. My sistter Prefer drinking coffee to eating meatball.
3. Her mother Prefer watching gossip to watching news.
4. My mother would Prefer speak english instead to germany.
5. I Prefer walk to run.

6. My sister like blue Better Than red
7. mY father like reading paper Better Than reading magazine.
8. I always like swiming Better Than football.
9. My Brother like fishing Better Than swiming.
10.Father like car Better Than .motorcycle

11. I Would Rather play badminton than football.
12. Mother Would Rather cooking than watch TV.
13. My Brother Would Rather play video game than go to school.
14. Father Would Rather read newspaper than read magazine.
15. My brother Would Rather listen music than study.

Nama : Yohanes Ginta
Kelas: 1EA05
NPM : 18210672

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